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Monthly Archives: March 2016

Values of Alabama Workplace Injury Claims Can Be Surprising

Mar 25, 2016 - Tuscaloosa by

Shortly after a National Public Radio (NPR) report exposed the disparity among workers’ compensation benefits for the same types of injuries in different states, Alabama lawmakers introduced a bill to increase benefits for workers within this state. In spite of the fact that Alabama workers’ compensation benefits for certain injuries are reportedly the lowest in the nation, this bill never seemed to take off. However, each Tuscaloosa workplace injury lawyer at our firm reminds employees that third-party claims can potentially provide injured workers with the compensation they need. A State Border Can Make a Dramatic Difference in the Value of a Claim The NPR story looked at the claims of two workers who lived within 75 miles of each other, with surprisingly similar claim details: Their ages were similar: 27 and 25. They both lost part of a left arm in a machinery accident. Their family situations were similar — married, with two children of similar ages. Both victims even had tattoos of their children’s names. Perhaps the main difference was the location of their accidents since they lived on different sides of the Alabama/Georgia border. While the Georgia victim received lifetime benefits expected to exceed $740,000, the Alabama victim received a total of $45,000 in workers’ compensation benefits. Since the overall cost of living fluctuates in different areas of the country or even within a state, it is somewhat logical to expect differences in claim valuations based on location. Still, it is less logical to understand why a border […]

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The Many Faces of Motor Vehicle Airbags

Mar 11, 2016 - Car Accidents by

When airbags first came into wide use in the 1970s, they took on a very basic design that protected drivers and front-seat passengers by sensing collisions and inflating large bags between occupants and hard objects in front of them. Our Tuscaloosa car accident attorneys are happy to report that the basic concept of inflatable safety devices has exploded. The chances are that an inflatable device now exists to protect many people who are exposed to dangers on the roads, sidewalks or just about anywhere. Still, things can go wrong to prevent airbags from doing their jobs properly — or even causing injuries when they perform as intended. It is important to understand the potential pros and cons of these devices and what to do if they contribute to serious injuries. New Airbag Designs Keep Coming The unfortunate truth is that collisions with trucks and passenger vehicles can cause injuries from all sides. As injury statistics continue to reveal more and more types of injuries are faced by individuals inside and outside of cars, new devices are invented to help mitigate those injuries. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Highway Loss Data Institute, airbags now take on many shapes and forms, such as the following: Bags within cars and other enclosed vehicles are standard equipment in front of front-seat passengers and drivers, and side airbags are almost as common. New designs can protect victims of rollovers. Others address the needs of back-seat passengers, such as rear window curtain airbags […]

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"I am a practicing lawyer who has from time to time referred clients and litigation cases to Cross & Smith for handling. Without exception, the effort and attention to detail by these attorneys have been incredible. I think that is what sets them apart - they leave no stone unturned in their diligent pursuit of justice and fair compensation to those cheated, injured or killed. I highly recommend these guys."
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