
Category: Birmingham

Birmingham Bicycle Accidents a Summer Safety Focus

Jul 15, 2013 - Birmingham by

Last year, the federal government offered up a $10 million federal transportation grant to cover street repairs, new sidewalks and bicycle lanes, plus bicycle paths in Birmingham, especially in the tornado-affected area of Pratt City. Our Birmingham bicycle accident attorneys recognize that these moves are ultimately intended to reduce injuries and fatalities for cyclists, who account for 2 percent of all traffic fatalities each year. Some of those dollars have already been put to good use, although we know at the outset that other projects will take years to implement. It may take even longer for motorists’ attitudes and awareness of cyclists to expand to the point that they consider cyclists a routine aspect of traffic, rather than an anomaly to be ignored or scorned.

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Tires and Summer Heat Can Prove Fatal Combination

Jul 3, 2013 - Birmingham by

A crash recently in Central Florida claimed the lives of two developmentally disabled women, one in her late 70s and another in her 40s, who were being transported back from a day trip in a van when a tire blew out on the interstate, causing the vehicle to flip. Our Birmingham accident attorneys understand that in addition to the two women killed, two others, both staffers, were severely injured in the wreck. According to a spokesman for the agency, the van tires had been inspected prior to the trip. One of the tires was replaced when mechanics who, initially inspecting the vehicle for an oil change and windshield wiper replacement, noticed it had dry rot. However, it was a different tire that blew. The agency spokesman insists the vehicle was inspected after that tire replacement and was found to be “in good shape,” adding that the firm’s vans are routinely inspected, particularly prior to longer trips, such as this one.

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Keeping Alabama Kids Safe From Dog Bite Injuries

Jun 14, 2013 - Birmingham by

Dogs can be wonderful pets and great companions for kids and adults alike. Unfortunately, dogs can also cause serious injuries if the animal is aggressive or not properly trained. Dog attacks can lead to lacerations, cuts, bruises, broken bones, amputations, scarring, disfigurement or even death. Our Birmingham dog bite lawyers know that the number of bite incidents has remained relatively stable over the past decade. However, as Time Business and Money reports, the amount of money paid out by insurance companies as a result of dog bite incidents has increased significantly. Today, more than a third of all dollars paid out in homeowner’s liability insurance claims is paid to cover dog bite damages.

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Birmingham Car Accidents May Rise With Increasing Smartphone Users

Jun 10, 2013 - Birmingham by

For all the time and technology we’ve had to tackle the issue of fatal crashes in Alabama, we have yet to get a firm grip on the problem. Our Birmingham injury lawyers know that between 2/car-accidents/alabama-traffic-accidents-likely-to-increase-with-economic-recovery/ and 2011, there were nearly 600 people killed in some 530 crashes just in Jefferson and Shelby Counties. There were also more than 27,000 non-fatal crashes in those counties just in 2011, according to a report by the University of Alabama. Speed is often cited as a factor. So is the increase and traffic levels. But also, we have the issue of those who drive distracted. The number of fatal crashes between 2009 and 2011 spiked by approximately 22 percent.

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Alabama Traffic Safety Watch: More Teen Drivers Die Texting Than Drinking

May 19, 2013 - Birmingham by

There is no question that distraction behind the wheel is deadly, especially for teens. However, new research reveals that distraction – or more specifically, texting and cell phone use – results in more U.S. teen fatalities than drunk driving. Our Birmingham car accident attorneys know that this revelation may come as a surprise to some, but it’s been some time in coming, given the number of teens who now carry cell phones and how frequently they are used.

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Alabama Distracted Driving Crashes Targeted by USDOT

May 10, 2013 - Birmingham by

There is no question that the primary responsibility to remain distraction-free behind the wheel lies with the driver. However, given the huge scope of the problem and the enormous price we pay as a society, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is requesting some help from vehicle manufacturers. Our Birmingham car accident lawyers understand that USDOT Secretary Ray LaHood has released a list of voluntary guidelines for automakers that would help to reduce in-vehicle distractions, thereby making us all safer. The recommendations, which include limits on built-in electronic devices for navigation, communication and entertainment, are part of the NHTSA’s Blueprint for Ending Distracted Driving.

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Alabama Cycling Safety: Fatalities Jump 9 Percent in One Year

May 1, 2013 - Birmingham by

A new report reveals that 2011 was a dangerous year for cyclists. Our Birmingham personal injury lawyers have learned that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has just released statistics revealing a nearly 10 percent spike in the number of pedalcyclists killed on U.S. roadways. Pedalcyclists would include any rider of a non-motorized, two-wheeled vehicle, which could include unicycles and tricycles. Mostly though, we’re talking about bicyclists. Although we’re looking at figures from 2011, comprehensive statistics were just released by the federal government and are the most recent available. The snapshot they provide is troubling.

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Distracted Truckers a Cause of Alabama Tractor-Trailer Accidents

Apr 10, 2013 - Birmingham by

Distracted driving is responsible for thousands of accidents and injuries each year and is always dangerous behind the wheel. However, distracted driving can be especially dangerous when it is done by a commercial driver who has a large truck under his control or who is responsible for transporting passengers.  Our Alabama trucking accident lawyers know that commercial drivers are expected to pay careful attention when behind the wheel. It’s an appropriate focus as April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month nationwide. A new survey conducted by Aegis Mobility aims to find out whether professional drivers are actually living up to their obligations and avoiding distracted driving, or whether drivers are paying attention to things that they shouldn’t be as they travel the roads. Distracted Driving Survey For Fleet Operators The Department of Transportation has banned texting and driving for all drivers of large trucks and buses. The U.S. Department of Transportation reported that the ban was an important safety step. The civil and criminal penalties for a driver who breaks the rules could be up to $2,750.

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Speeding is the Top Cause of Alabama Accidents

Apr 3, 2013 - Birmingham by

On March 25, 2013, the News Courier reported speeding is the number one factor in traffic crashes in the state of Alabama. The News Courier also explained that high traffic volumes played a role in causing crashes. But when speed and traffic congestion combine, the results can be disastrous.  Our Birmingham accident attorneys urge every driver to respect the risks associated with speeding. Hopefully, when drivers are reminded of the serious likelihood of a car wreck caused by speeding, it will encourage more drivers to slow down to stay safe and ultimately reduce the chances of hurting themselves and others in a speeding-related traffic collision. Speeding is a Top Accident Cause According to the News Courier:

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Spring Increases Risk of Alabama Bicycle Accidents

Mar 21, 2013 - Birmingham by

As the weather gets warmer, many kids are going to be taking to the streets to play on their bicycles. Bicycles provide a great method of transportation for young kids who want to go to their friends’ houses nearby but who are too young to drive a car to get there. Bike riding in the neighborhood or in the driveway can also be a lot of fun for kids of all ages.  Unfortunately, our Birmingham bicycle accident lawyers know that hundreds of people die each year as a result of bicycle accidents and that many more are injured. A large number of those who get hurt on bicycles are children who may be in grave danger due to a lack of skills on the bicycle or a lack of understanding of the risks of the road. The Dangers of Bicycle Accidents for Kids Any time a child or an adult rides a bicycle, there are some potential risks. There is a risk of becoming involved in a car accident while riding the bike, and there is also a danger of falling off of the bike and getting hurt.

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